Hello and Welcome!

You are in the right place for a transformation journey for releasing all that has been holding you back. Jump in and experience a cutting age technology to heal your mind, transform your body, and free your spirit…

My name is Srishti, and I am a eutaptics® FasterEFT™ practitioner.

Eutaptics® FasterEFT™ is an ultimate self-empowerment technique bringing the most effective elements of Neuroplasticity, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, BSFF,  spirituality, and mental mechanics resulting in the fastest and most powerful way to make changes in all areas of life by changing the original cause of all problems, rather than simply addressing the symptoms. It brings the ownership of your life right back to where it always belonged – YOU.

It’s time to take back the control and ownership of your life and find your happiness and physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It’s time to stop projecting outwards at diets, diagnoses and events and people in your life and it’s time to dive deeper to the original cause of your problems – Memories.

The key to truly “Change That Chit” of your life is by getting to and healing the cause of the symptoms – Your Memories – and to giving yourself the permission to “Rewrite Your Skit!”